awesome color palette! love the sort of mysterious feeling the pool brings up with its depth ^^
awesome color palette! love the sort of mysterious feeling the pool brings up with its depth ^^
honestly i love looking at all the spinning clothes too :)
hell yeah death note! :D awesome shading + coloring
the juggalosssss
love the neko arc reference lol! very good coloring ^^
yay! i love him ❤️ the shading here's great too!
tycho!!!! 💙💙💙💙
the creatures!! :]]]
ooooo! neato :3
this is the funniest fucking thing oh my gog
i like memes, attention, and i have many interests. i'm autistic and have adhd, so please be patient with me (if that's ok). i apologize a lot because i'm a people pleasing little shit, so i'm sorry about that.
Joined on 6/13/24